
A vintage gazette generator for your creative projects.

Issue creation

Configure your gazette, compose articles and push Send to print to generate a PDF.

See a sample issue screenshot here.

Issue body (0/6,000)
Images (0/4)

Upload an image and use this tag to insert it in your article:
![Image caption](image-name.png)
Image must not be larger than 2MB.


*Writes inputs to your cache and fills them in on the next page load.
You'll still have to reupload images.

Syntax cheatsheet

Use the following text formating conventions to make you articles fansy:

Article title

Article subtitle

Italics with *asterisks* or _underscores_.

Bold with **asterisks** or __underscores__.

Insert images in your text like this:
![Image caption](image-name.png)

| A | simple          | table                    |
| - | --------------- | ------------------------ |
| 1 | *italics* text  | short text               |
| 2 | **bold** text   | a little bit longer text |